My Recomendations

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Jets and Jetman

Amazing video of Yves "Fusion-man" Rossi flying with jets...

CNN featured him as well:

While I've became a big fan of the man back in September 2008: Fusion-man

P.S. Here is also an awesome interview with Yves Rossy at TED:


Kiev Live Timelapse

While media companies demand thousands of dollars to develop promotional videos for Euro-2012, Oleg Finger has produced an amazing masterpiece on a budget of only $30!


What's The Fuzz with Google+?

Looks even worse than MSN Spaces & where r those now? What does it have that FB doesn't & why should I move?

Google docs, chat, email and what not is the biggest problem of Google+.
It looks just like a glue of everything Google had and not as a uniform platform built up front. It's going to be really hard to unify all these independently written apps into a single platform. Facebook on the other hand brought up the idea of a social operating system their platform is in the first few years of their existence and were building apps on top of it ever since.

But the biggest thing that Google is lacking is idea. Zukerberg kid was not just a great developer, which I'm sure Google has a ton, he understood the domain much better than anyone who's been in it for a while before him. He understood what people would fall for, and thus what his app should or should not have. Google ads features just because they can, Facebook ads them only because they make sense in the global picture. Linkedin required you to know person's email to add someone, now they let you add anyone you want, because FB does. Google translates its apps with translators, Facebook does it with its users, - not because they don't have money, because that's the way it should be done in a truly social OS. Facebook introduced News Feeds - something I would grant them a patent for even though I'm generally against patents - now everyone has them like it's something completely obvious. Remember what Zukerberg kid said when people were screaming about stalking feature the News Feed was? He said you might dislike it and we'll give you control over it, but we won't remove it cause it is essential part of the system. And he knew what he was talking about even with complete opposition from everyone else, now list me a single feature Google+ knows what they are talking about and not just copy it from Facebook? Google+ is going to be yet another failed a posteriori glue and Google should better concentrate on what they do best - search, and not on something they have no clue about.

Every company eventually turns into IBM - big, clumsy and lacking innovation. Microsoft did, Google is doing and Facebook will do one day!

P.S. ‎... and Apple too will one day become IBM. Big companies have too many people with huge salaries that make them afraid to take risks. That's why they only copy what they know became successful, putting the power of company's big buck behind. Like Microsoft, they bet on second-mover advantage, even though they have a choice to bet on the first. Start-ups don't have that choice: their only bet is first-mover advantage and for that reason they have to come up with something radically different, different to such extent that they can win over by the pure idea and not by money. That's what Microsoft had with Windows, Google with search, Facebook with social networking and Apple with user interface. After that they all went into other territories just because they could, not because they had a great idea. And Apple's transition to IBM will start once Steve Jobs is not there anymore - he seems to be the only one there to have guts to take risks.

Thanks to everyone who spurred this discussion on Facebook in response to my Twitter post on July 11!

P.P.S. Forbes: A Eulogy for Google Plus


Quantifying Friendships

Now that I was stupid enough to add some celebrities to my Facebook friends I get annoyed by friend suggestions that Facebook bases on the amount of friends in common. Surely enough when I click on those "friends in common" I see all the celebrities and people who add everyone.

Of course there is friend on Facebook and there is Friend, but beside me and the friend in questions there is no one to quantify that relationship. And I'm sure letting users explicitly quantify relationships on Facebook will be supper annoying and not used by most of the users in much the same way they don't use Friend List. What Facebook can do though is to approximate this quantification.

A friend who has 100 friends is more likely to know and have something in common with me than a friend with 4000 friends. In other words this also means that the more friends I have, the less I value each of the particular friendships (on average of course). This is why having 1 friend in common with someone who has 10 friends makes me more likely to know that person than someone with whom I have 10 friends in common, all of which have 1000 friends. Just a suggestion for friend suggestion.


Window Shopping Reinvented

This great idea gives a whole new meaning to window shopping!

Shared by Meg who keeps a great blog of her misadventures.


Ukrainian wedding a la "Alice in Wonderland"

Very modest Ukrainian wedding a la "Alice in Wonderland" -=B-)

The former minister of social politics Lyudmyla Denysova is said to have spent $600,000 on this home-made musicale ;-)

Source: ТАБЛОID: Екс-міністр Денисова витратила $600 тисяч на весілля?



The Manslater is an indispensable gadget every man dreams to have - Woman Language Translator!

Laughed at from a pointer by Mani & Amineh :-)


Obama's Birth Video

Hillarious video of President Obama Roasting Donald Trump At White House Correspondents' Dinner! -=B-)

Cudos to Chris for sharing.


Smack My Bitch Up Remix

For those of you who remember the naughty official Smack My Bitch Up music video, here is a funny unofficial, but equally naughty sequel to it ;-)

All the naughty videos are coming from my lil brother ;-)


Make the Girl Dance Baby Baby Baby

Haven't been posting for 4 month, but this one definitely deserves time to watch and blog about -=B-)

So here is the original:

Now here is a sequel:

And here is a plagiarism:

The original video is by French band "Make The Girl Dance".

Thanks to Abe for this being his best french song ;-)