My Recomendations

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i wanna grow old with you

Surely the most romantic song I've ever heard -=8-) I love the video too, whoever made it must have felt the same :)

The song is from the 1998 movie "The Wedding Singer", which is definitely going to be the next movie on my list ;-)

and I'd surely love to watch it with someone who shared this song with me :)


El Empleo

El Empleo is a short animated film directed and produced by Santiago "Bou" Grasso. A man on his usual journey to work is immersed into a world where the use of people as objects is a daily occurrence...

See video on ARTE if it becomes unavailable on YouTube. Check also film's description at
2008 Ottawa International Animation Festival.

Thanks to Hamed for sharing this award-winning animation!


Недоторкані: Один місяць Гетьманщини

Найкращий епізод комедійного серіалу "Недоторкані" з тих що я встиг подивитися :-) Дивитись в першу чергу!

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On his way to work one day, Joel (Bodhi Elfman) is impaled through the chest by a three-foot arrow. But it doesn't harm him. And it wont come out. So Joel has to learn to deal both with his new-found protrusion, and his own painful loneliness. He tries to go to work, to date women, but no one seems ready to accept his strange flaw. Little does he know, his life is about to change forever...

P.S. After you check the website of the movie, make sure to see their Behind The Scenes section as it is going to be the most weird "Behind The Scenes" you've ever seen ;-)


The Orangutan and the Hound

When Surya, the orangutan, meets a hound dog by the river, the two carry on like long lost friends...

Thanks to Laurie for sharing!

Source: Natonal Geographic Channel